Thursday, July 19, 2018

Motivation To Stay Fit? Know How it is Done.

Chandrakant | 4:47 AM | Be the first to comment!
                                                  Everyone wants to be fit, everyone wants to be rich. Not everyone becomes fit, not everyone becomes rich either. I think I can share a thing or two. -Just like a rookie cannot tell you what it takes to become a millionaire, an unfit guy cannot guide you on your path to fitness. Listen to people who've been there, done that. - You don't ask yourself, "What next", when you make your first...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

#Silent Love #Unique Feelings

Chandrakant | 11:12 AM | | | Be the first to comment!
Nobody even knows about it, Except for me and I dont quit, One day you'll love me just as much, But just when, I dont know such, If loving you was such a crime, I wouldnt be making this rhyme, Im going to run out of time, By then you'll know and i'll be fine, But will you know, am I wasting time, Soon you will know, and we'll be together, At least I hope so, nothing lasts forever, Is it true does love conquer all, Or will fear make my love fall, What will happen when im...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

That Deep Feelings Near Sea Shore

Chandrakant | 11:34 AM | | | | | Be the first to comment!
This Is a small Text You can Say That Came into my mind when i was at Diu this weekend On Looking into deep sea.
Deep Thought Near Sea Shore

I saw a ship there going into that large ocean.
That moment gave me a feeling like our life is also like that ship...
Going into deep sea of life,may be after few years we all will be at different destination.

That leaves me with a fear on my heart that who knows where life takes you???
Or May Be After Few year will these friends be like together again...

Life Is like that its all about togetherness and separation then why i am here now??
have you ever thought like this....
is our life is all about giving and taking like sea waves?
That deep thought leave me with a unbound feeling....

it gives me a glims on my heart you can't cross the sea
merely by standing and staring at water...
with a strong determination thought that the winds and wave always support me
on journey to deep sea i left my feelings beyond....

Friday, February 22, 2013

I Am Always Here For You.....To Make You Feel You Are Not Alone

Chandrakant | 9:19 PM | | | Be the first to comment!
Near, When your troubled, down or blue. All you have to do is call me, I'm always here for you. It doesn't matter where I'm at, It doesn't matter when. When you need someone to talk to, I'm here to be your friend. If you need someone to hold your hand, or a hug to say I care. If you need a shoulder to cry on, for you I will be there. Never think that you are alone, If any problem arises. never feel to say no one is there, I am always here to listen to you....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ideas To Make Valentine's Day Memorable | What To Do Feeling Confuse?

Chandrakant | 10:44 AM | | | | | Be the first to comment!
Valentine’s Day is celebrated with great gusto and excitement by We young generation people across the world. Young couples plan well in advance for this special day! However, not necessary that good ways of celebrating this day should be expensive.New Fresh Lovers Always Know The Best Importance Of Valentine Day.And They will be dying waiting for 14th Feb Excitingly. Here are a few ideas that could save your pennies and yet make your Valentines Day specially memorable- 1. Catching a romantic movie together - These days,most couples have very little time together as everyone has a lot of...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Pictures

Chandrakant | 9:47 AM | | Be the first to comment!

First Of all Merry Christmas to You And All :)
This Christmas spread your fragrance to all those around you and make this world a happy place.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Awesome Animated Picture From Iron Man 3

Chandrakant | 1:49 AM | | | Be the first to comment!

Amazing IronMan Animated Picture | Awesome Picture From Iron Man

Chandrakant | 1:46 AM | | | Be the first to comment!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanks For Being There #Love

Chandrakant | 11:40 PM | | | Be the first to comment!

As we walk the path of life,
we meet people every day.
Some slip in and out so fast,
but some grow close and stay.

We don’t know how it happens,
but the feeling’s very strong.
There’s a bond that’s shared by friends,
they know they belong.

Our friendship has no boundaries,
and whenever we’re apart,
the memories of happy times
will always warm my heart.

The miles that lie between us
just seem to disappear.
Because the love within our hearts,
keeps us forever near.

Thanks for being there ♥ Love you all

#Cute #Beautiful #Dreaming #love #Fun

Chandrakant | 11:31 PM | | | | | Be the first to comment!

Perfect Inspiration #quotes

Chandrakant | 11:27 PM | | | | | Be the first to comment!

What Do You Wish For You At Night

Chandrakant | 11:21 PM | | | Be the first to comment!